Friday, April 24, 2009

My 'Wicked' Luck

I wrote my name on my 3X5 card, listed I would like 2 tickets, and crinkled the card a little.  I tossed it in the witches caldron bucket and walked back into the crowd of about 125 (?) fans.  I never imagined I would have my card drawn out.  We were talking to some fellow wishers when I heard 'Jo Mott'.  I seriously couldn't believe I had won.  It was so crazy.  I took my drivers license to the man with the witch hat on, he checked to make sure I was indeed Jo Mott and a Trooper opened the door and let me in to purchase my 2 tickets.  They were orchestra seats for $25 on J.  I totally felt like I HAD won the lottery.  It was truly an amazing and fun moment for ME.  We loved it again and it was the best hearing my name called.

1 comment:

Christine said...

WOW! I have tried that before with no luck in NYC. GOOG JOB, wasn't it cute?!