Monday, December 29, 2008

Always Open in December

We received a 'Bird Feeding Basket' for a Christmas gift from one of our friends at HealthEquity.  I cut out the bread and coated them in bird seed and hung them in the tree.  Here is my first customer.  He is pretty large and very blue in color.  My restaurant is Always Open.

A Favorite Gift

How did I know?  I love getting the credit for choosing the perfect gift (I'm just glad we shop together).  Darcy loves new Black and Decker tools.

Christmas Is Coming

During Christmas week we became accustomed to seeing this person on our front steps.  We tried to stay on the "Good List" because we knew we were probably being checked up on....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merrry Christmas to All!

This is our "Merry Christmas to All" picture.  It is so cold and snowy outside but so much fun in Our Snow.  'Frosty' will be around for awhile because the weather is so perfect for all of us.  We can't wait for more snow, so keep it coming.   Merry Christmas.

Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping can be such a task for me.  But . . .  really, who wouldn't like a remote control skunk???  

Beautiful Snow 2008

I can't believe we are so lucky to get this much snow for Christmas!!  And more is on the way.  It makes everything so much more beautiful.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas is Coming

We are hurrying around getting ready for Christmas.  Last night we spent the evening in the yard (it was freezing, freezing, cold) with Jill taking pictures for our 'Christmas 2008' card.  It was so funny.  A little bit of torture for a big return.  In the background Kennedy and McKay were yelling "can we shovel this Whole driveway"!  It seems they hadn't noticed it was so cold we couldn't smile anymore, wait a minute I am still smiling--because it is permanently frozen on my face now!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nothing like Christmas in New York!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

We were able to have our picture with Regis and Kelly.  What a fun day!!
Regis and Kelly chatting....They are adorable!

We went to Regis and Kelly in NYC.  He looked really handsome and was having us check out his label in his jacket.
The Chandelier.

Our anniversary 2008!!  We spent the week in NYC.  We ate dinner at a favorite Italian restaurant named LaRivista.  It was so-o-o-o cold.  We took a bicycle taxi to minimize the freezing.  It was much romantic, faster and a whole lot warmer.  After dinner we went to Phantom at the Majestic.  I took a picture of the chandelier (before it fell)!!  I was impressed with the Director.  It was just enough different that it was really fun to see it again.  We saw it in December 1997 on our honeymoon in San Francisco and here we are 11 years later. Broadway is always the 'Right Ticket'.   You can tell my hair really didn't handle the drenching rain and the freezing wind but it made for a very cold evening so we took the bicycle taxi back to the Roosevelt and boy was I thankful for the ride. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008